Six Amazing Unknown Python Libraries

<p>I&rsquo;ve been using Python extensively for the last two years. As a result, I&rsquo;m always looking for amazing libraries that can enhance my work in Data Engineering and Business Intelligence projects.</p> <h1>1. Pendulum</h1> <p>Although many libraries are available in Python for DateTime, I find Pendulum easy to use on any operation on the dates. A pendulum is my favorite library for my daily usage at my work. It extends the built-in Python datetime module, adding a more intuitive API for handling time zones and performing operations on dates and times like adding time intervals, subtracting dates, and converting between time zones. It provides a simple, human-friendly API for formatting dates and times.</p> <h1>Installation</h1> <pre> !pip install pendulum</pre> <h1>Example</h1> <pre> # import library import pendulum dt = pendulum.datetime(2023, 1, 31) print(dt) #local() creates datetime instance with local timezone local = pendulum.local(2023, 1, 31) print(&quot;Local Time:&quot;, local) print(&quot;Local Time Zone:&quot;, # Printing UTC time utc =;UTC&#39;) print(&quot;Current UTC time:&quot;, utc) # Converting UTC timezone into Europe/Paris time europe = utc.in_timezone(&#39;Europe/Paris&#39;) print(&quot;Current time in Paris:&quot;, europe)</pre> <h1>Output</h1> <p><img alt="" src="*vtSZchPQ-ZsiRPTu.png" style="height:148px; width:700px" /></p> <h1>2. ftfy</h1> <p>Have you encountered when the foreign language present in the data does not appear correctly? This is called Mojibake. Mojibake is a term used to describe&nbsp;garbled&nbsp;or scrambled text that occurs as a result of encoding or decoding problems. It typically occurs when text that was written in one character encoding is incorrectly decoded using a different encoding. ftfy python library will help you fix the Mojibake, which is very useful in NLP use cases.</p> <p><a href="">Visit Now</a></p>