The Sirian Starseeds: Interdimensional Lightworkers

<p>In his composition tour de&rsquo; force, &ldquo;<em>On the Shoulders of Giant&rsquo;s</em>,&rdquo; Astrophysicist and Professor Emeritus Stephen Hawking quote Sir Isaac Newton as saying, &ldquo;If I should have seen any further, it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants,&rdquo; from which the titled is derived. The work that is a compilation of every major work of physics from Newton&rsquo;s, &ldquo;<em>Principia</em>,&rdquo; to both of Einstein&rsquo;s theories on relativity highlights an intriguing phenomenon as it relates to scientific endeavors.</p> <p>It is an interesting fact of our reality that we tend to cling, almost desperately to scientific endeavors and achievements as if they were some kinds of universal laws or truths. What is most remarkable about this notion is the way that scientific thought, paradigms, and pedagogies are constantly changing and evolving. From epoch to epoch, we firmly believe in them like devote worshipers of a religion, only to have them replaced in the next generation of new and fanciful ideas.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>