Siri, Lower My Legal Fees! Wait, Can AI Do That?

<h2>The Paperwork Nightmare</h2> <p>Divorce is a paperwork hellhole. Trust me, I&rsquo;ve been there, done that, and even my credit card companies know it. Judges even still use paper files, like, what the fuzzy navel is that? Do you know how much it costs to print five copies (one for me and two for both the judge and the opposition) of a divorce file in the making for five years? Seriously, it&rsquo;s 2023, not 1823. Why not use modern technology in the courtroom to cut through the red tape and make everyone&rsquo;s life easier?</p> <h2>AI: The Unpaid Intern That Never Sleeps</h2> <p>Think of AI as an unpaid intern that can&rsquo;t sue you for a hostile work environment. #BONUS. It&rsquo;s not a robot lawyer from a sci-fi movie; it&rsquo;s sophisticated tech designed to automate the drudgery of legal processes. Imagine having instant access to statutes, court rulings, and precedents without having to sift through mountains of paperwork.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Siri Lower