How to be successful — in a nutshell

<h1>Yes! The answer really is here somewhere</h1> <p>First, we need to have a talk about what &ldquo;success&rdquo; means. But before that, we need to have a pre-talk about what success means to you.</p> <h1>Can I start with a story?</h1> <p>Not that long ago, I was in a restaurant for lunch with a woman 30 years older than me. We had met at a singing workshop, and I was glad to meet up with her again as she struck me as a smart woman who after years of raising a family, being a head teacher, living in Birmingham (UK) and Brighton had come back to her home city, Glasgow (my respective home town) and is pursuing her singing passion &mdash; quite right, too! She has a great voice for jazz.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>