My cats are not Zen Masters, they are Sin Masters

<p>When I read Eckhart Tolle wrote &ldquo;I have lived with several Zen masters &mdash; all of them cats&rdquo; in&nbsp;<em>The Power of Now</em>, I was suspicious. When people say cats are calm and incredible at staying in the moment as they can stare at something outside the window for a prolonged period of time without a blink, I frown. Because my cats always intimidate the flies, the mosquitoes, the flying plastic bags or nothing outside the window with agitated head moving and rumbling sound. After intimidating for a while, they rush towards the window to attack with their paws. This is why I invested a great amount of money into good-quality cat net installation to prevent them from jumping out of the windows.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Sin Masters