My Experience with the Rick Simpson Oil

<p>If your first thought after reading the title is: what is Rick Simpson oil and why do I care? Proceed ahead for you are not alone. The following is an introduction and reflection about my experiences with cannabis and specifically a product called the Rick Simpson Oil (RSO), created in 2003 by&hellip; Rick Simpson&hellip; and available at just about every cannabis dispensary today.</p> <p>Starting as a seed, the marijuana plant grows into a seemingly infinite number of variations. Everything from the time it takes to reach full-grown adulthood to the smell to the looks are all relative. The type of strain, growing technique, and environmental conditions all play a role in how it turns out. Many baseline functions/elements stay the same across all cannabis types, but it&rsquo;s important to note different strains serve different purposes. Some specifically aid with sleep while others help with energy and concentration. Once the plant hits the final stage of development, the &lsquo;flower&rsquo; portion can be harvested along with a plethora of other uses from the rest of the plant, especially from hemp, a story for another day.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Simpson Oil