8 Simple Signs People Like You as Their Boss

<p>The best bosses are humble.</p> <p>And because of their humility, they think they&rsquo;re in need of improvement. They&rsquo;re always looking for the next thing they can do to upgrade themselves.</p> <p>But sometimes this can make it easy to lose sight of what they do well.</p> <p>After all, the best leaders don&rsquo;t seek recognition and praise. They do what&rsquo;s right because it&rsquo;s right. Their validation comes from within.</p> <p>To keep yourself motivated and to check you&rsquo;re on the right path, take a little time now and then to remind yourself what you&rsquo;re doing well.</p> <p>And though people might not be telling you all the time, here are 8 signs that you can use to identify if you&rsquo;re doing a good job.</p> <h2><strong>#1. People come to you for help</strong></h2> <p>If there&rsquo;s a problem, people come to you. Not because you&rsquo;re the boss, but because they know you can help.</p> <p>They&rsquo;re also not scared of you knowing about ball drops.</p> <p>This is important.</p> <p>I&rsquo;ve worked in companies where everyone keeps problems and issues from the boss. This could be fear of reprisal, not wanting to be held accountable (even as the messenger), and not wanting to deal with a leader&rsquo;s anger at the problem.</p> <p>But a good boss keeps the door open for good and bad. They support and praise the wins, and they treat losses and problems as teaching moments.</p> <p>They set this example, and everyone follows.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@TobiasCharles/8-simple-signs-people-like-you-as-their-boss-f3df19aff8f8"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Their Boss