A minimalist guide to migrate Homebrew from Intel Macs to Apple Silicon Macs in simple 5-steps

<ol> <li>Open the CLI (Terminal/iTerm2) of your choice and install Xcode command line tools. The installation typically takes about ~15 minutes.</li> </ol> <pre> xcode-select --install</pre> <p>2. (Re)Install homebrew (this time to a new path because of the Silicon CPU architecture)</p> <pre> /bin/bash -c &quot;$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)&quot;</pre> <p>3. Add the new install location to your profile (assuming it&rsquo;s zprofile) &amp; PATH (remember to change &lt;profile&gt; with your Mac profile name.</p> <pre> echo &#39;eval &quot;$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)&quot;&#39; &gt;&gt; /Users/&lt;profile&gt;/.zprofile eval &quot;$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)&quot;</pre> <p>4. Create a dump of all the packages from your old homebrew location. The Brewfile will placed in your home directory.</p> <pre> /usr/local/bin/brew bundle dump</pre> <p>5. Simply run brew bundle to start installing all the packages from the Brewfile on to the new location.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@ravi.mbatechie/a-minimalist-guide-to-migrate-homebrew-from-intel-macs-to-apple-silicon-macs-in-a-simple-5-steps-3e545576dab5"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Apple Silicon