Having a Sick Wife

<p>Having a sick wife is<br /> being angry that<br /> you were awake all night<br /> listening to her vomit<br /> because you have to work the next day and she gets to sleep in<br /> but also knowing it&rsquo;s not her fault<br /> and she&rsquo;s miserable<br /> and you&nbsp;<em>can&rsquo;t</em>&nbsp;be mad<br /> because that&rsquo;s not fair<br /> but even though you know all that<br /> you&rsquo;re still<br /> just<br /> cranky</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/poetry-salad/having-a-sick-wife-a968ceff9a67"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
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