Echoes of Old Greece in the Ruins and Monuments of Sicily and Istanbul

<p>It is a truism that when we travel, we expand our horizons by every experience of a new place, a new sight and new peoples.</p> <p>We learn about different geographies, languages and ways of thinking when we visit cities and landscapes away from the familiar.</p> <p>Yet, what we see when travelling across countries and continents is breadth, rather than depth. Bound by time, we often perceive only the present, locked as we often are in the here and now of modern, buzzy cityscapes.</p> <p>Exploring the Greek ruins in Sicily gave me a more complete perspective as I was reminded that while I was in Italy, I was also simultaneously visiting a place that more than 2,000 years ago knew itself as Greece.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>