The Shrinking Man

<p>Perhaps the more active males who opted for more courageous roles due to reacting more sensitively to their testosterone [<em>more risk taking and excitement seeking]</em>&nbsp;<strong>became better built</strong>&nbsp;and so females competed for them, therefore, by natural selection the bigger male was bred!</p> <p>Over much time, this doesn&rsquo;t happen so much now&nbsp;<em>[especially now the effeminate male seems to be more attractive to modern women].</em></p> <p>This also gives my theory about&nbsp;<em>&ldquo;female on female</em>&rdquo; interest some credit because I believe&nbsp;<strong>it is unnatural for women to get along with each other</strong>&nbsp;since&nbsp;<em>everyone is going to want the best male for themselves!</em>&nbsp;<strong>Women are more territorial than men are.&nbsp;</strong>This also shits on the theory that men are not&nbsp;<em>meant</em>&nbsp;to be monogamous because&nbsp;<em>it isn&rsquo;t in their nature.</em></p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Shrinking Man