Should You Kickstart Your Career in FAANG or a Startup? My Two Cents as a Data Scientist at Spotify

<p>Not sure whether to join a startup or a large tech as you start your career? If you&rsquo;re at this crossroads, this article is for you!</p> <p>I&rsquo;m currently a Data Scientist at Spotify but 3 years ago, I was only a student and I struggled so much with this question.</p> <blockquote> <p>Would I be better off at a startup or a mature company?</p> </blockquote> <p>It was a big decision after all!</p> <p>But unlike picking between a box of McNuggets or the latest Big Bacon Cheesy Mac (<em>or whatever they call them these days)</em>, this one was about setting the trajectory for my entire career.</p> <p>While I was torturing myself with the question, I realized I wasn&rsquo;t the only one. Many of us in fact face this dilemma.</p> <p>This article is the&nbsp;<strong>first</strong>&nbsp;of a series where I discuss this topic from different angles, all of which you need to consider.</p> <p>I&rsquo;m drawing on my&nbsp;<em>own</em>&nbsp;experience at Spotify as well as that of other folks I&rsquo;ve met along the way.</p> <p>So if you&rsquo;re making your first stop in your professional life, then make sure to stay tuned by following me.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>