I Got Shot Today—Chapter Two

<p><strong><em>Trigger Warning: This story may contain elements that could be considered unsettling or frightening. Reader discretion is advised.</em></strong></p> <p>I am an old man, and going to the pharmacy to pick up one refill or another is a way of life. Today was no exception. There was a partial refill waiting, meaning another trip was in the offing, likely tomorrow, to pick up the balance of the script.</p> <p>I almost always use the drive-up as I&rsquo;m not a fan of people and prefer not to talk to anyone beyond the nice lady on the other side of the glass. Today, however, the drive-up was closed. Several guys in reflective vests were digging up the pavement, forcing me to go inside.</p> <p><a href="https://thehubpublication.com/i-got-shot-today-chapter-two-90ae63d4f12f"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
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