Shopping streets in Sydney

<p>Sydney as the biggest city in Australia and one of the busiest places around is a commercial, financial, media and fashion hub. No doubt there are almost endless opportunities how, what or where to shop. Sydney is crossed with thousands of streets creating wide spread web of concrete. On these streets are some of the best shopping opportunities around the globe. Shopaholics would find a heaven on Sydney&rsquo;s streets. Just consider the city centre with George, Pitt, Castlereagh and King streets than Crown street in Surry Hills and Oxford street in Paddington, small streets in Darlinghurst or King street in Newtown, so the list could go on and on. Check more&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">tips for shopping in Sydney</a>.</p> <p><strong>George street&nbsp;</strong>is one of the longest and busiest in the city hosting the best and well know retailers and the iconic Queen Victoria Building. Across the street opposite QVB there&rsquo;s another diamond in the crown known as The Strand Arcade a showcase of elegance, design and style built in Victorian Sydney. Heading north towards Martins Place you would reach high end fashion boutiques square. Good tip is to reserve a whole day when shopping on George Street.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>