Thank You for Not Shooting

<p>O Lord, we give thanks to millions of our fellow Americans for not shooting. Because of them, most of us in this great, great nation are still alive.</p> <p>We pray for the wise men in power who look so sad after each school shooting as they tell us, &ldquo;Now is not the time&hellip;&rdquo; God give them strength in their busy schedules to find the time.</p> <p>For Armalite and Kalashnikov, whose products in all their innocence redefine the Second Amendment, we pray.</p> <p>Let us rejoice in the restraint of women, who committed only 2 percent of mass shootings.</p> <p>We humbly give our thanks for the fact that the number of mass shootings so far in&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">2023</a>&nbsp;only exceeds the number of days in the year by a small amount, like six or seven percent.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Shootings