The shocking view from Barcelona

<p>Iwalk out the front door to my building and nearly trip over a woman sitting there. Beside her is a small purse filled with personal items, and two shopping bags. She looks at me shyly, before lowering her gaze quickly to the ground. At her feet is a piece of cardboard, about the size of the 20x12 inch computer screen I am staring at while writing this. I think no more of it and walk off to do my errands.</p> <p><strong>A few hours later I return. The woman is still there, in the exact same spot. She is about forty years old, but looks older. She is clean and kept and her clothing is normal, Isuppose. Nothing fancy, but not dirty either. I pay no particular attention to her when I let myself in, other than thinking she is kind of in the way. From there she has a view to the little square in front of our building. Here are several benches, a public water source and two bars with outdoor seating (like all places have in Barcelona). When I pass her this second time, I turn around in the hallway to look at her through the glass door.<br /> Why is she still there? Shouldn&rsquo;t she be taking her shopping bags home?</strong></p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>