Birth in the Time of Covid: The God with the Shiny Fingers

<p>Thinking about starting or ending a life chapter, or approaching a turning point can be overwhelming and makes me prone to a panic-attack if I think in terms of clear-cut stages that are chiseled in stone. When I exit the mindset of something starting or something ending and ease into the growth-mindset of everything simply following a continual changing pathway that is part of a flowing process, only then am I able to enjoy the here and the now. Fortunately, this way of thinking is pretty much the way I&rsquo;m wired, not letting life be ruled by milestones or &ldquo;big moments&rdquo; that lie as markers or gravestones to past eras; instead, I like to see life as a constant process where there are always opportunities for learning and growth.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: shiny Fingers