The Right Way to Run Shell Commands From Python

<p>Python is a popular choice for automating anything and everything, that includes automating system administration tasks or tasks that require running other programs or interacting with the operating system. However, there are many ways to achieve this in Python, most of which are arguably bad.</p> <p>So, in this article, we will look at all your Python options for running other processes &mdash; the bad, the good, and most importantly, the right way to do it.</p> <h1>The Options</h1> <p>Python has way too many built-in options for interfacing with other programs, some of them better or worse, and honestly, I don&rsquo;t like any of them. Let&rsquo;s quickly glance over each option and see when (if ever) it makes sense to use the particular module.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>