Shaping Models With BMesh In Blender 2.90

<p>This tutorial introduces Blender&rsquo;s&nbsp;<code>BMesh</code>&nbsp;as a way to create and edit meshes in Blender through Python. The benefit of&nbsp;<code>BMesh</code>&nbsp;is that we have access to higher level operations than we would working with vertices and face indices; however, we avoid overhead incurred with&nbsp;<code>bpy.ops</code>, the functions called by Blender&rsquo;s graphical user interface (GUI).</p> <p>This is aimed at readers who already have already tried their hand at scripting with Blender: who know how to set up Blender to be code friendly, who know how to look up an unfamiliar function in the documentation (either for Python or for Blender), and who know some bread and butter concepts of creative coding.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Shaping Models