Shame, shame, shame on you for being you!

<p>Shame, shame on you. Shame on me. Shame on they/them. Shame on that drag queen. Shame on the people who just came out of the lesbian bar. Shame on anyone looking for a butt buddy tonight. Shame on anyone not a robot without individuality. Shame for existing at all. Shame holds heavy on those that feel different. It did on Momma for a long time. I came out of the jungle. I accepted myself and all that comes with it. Breaking away from someone else&rsquo;s views on you is the hardest thing to do. The biggest war will be ending the negative images you have on you. When you do, it is freedom. It is hard and others don&rsquo;t get it. OK!</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Shame