The Passage of Shakyamuni Buddha into Nirvana

<p>This rare and important hanging scroll by the Japanese artist TOSA YUKIHIRO* depicts the passing of the historical Buddha Shakyamuni into nirvana. In Buddhist thought, nirvana is a release from the cycle of death and rebirth. Parinirvana is the ultimate nirvana, which occurs with the death of the physical body of someone who has attained enlightenment.</p> <p>The Buddha passes into nirvana while lying on a platform in meditation beneath sacred trees near the banks of the Batsudaiga River, represented behind a host of disciples. In the surrounding crowd are Bodhisattvas, Buddhist monks, Hindu deities, men and women of every class, a multitude of animals, and even some mythical beasts.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>