Big Pharma — Shady Profits Off Your Children, We Can Do Better.

<p>Let&rsquo;s dive into a hot topic that&rsquo;s been buzzing around lately &mdash; the ADHD Adderall medication shortage. Now, before you jump to conclusions, let&rsquo;s spin this narrative on its head and ponder why this might not be the dire situation it&rsquo;s made out to be. You see, when we peel back the layers, there&rsquo;s a much bigger conversation to be had about our health, the pharmaceutical industry, and how we approach wellness as a society.</p> <p>Rewind about 30 years, and you&rsquo;ll see a starkly different landscape when it comes to mood-altering medications. Fast forward to today, and it&rsquo;s clear we&rsquo;re living in an era where popping pills has become almost as common as having a cup of coffee in the morning. The number of folks on these meds isn&rsquo;t just inching up; it&rsquo;s skyrocketed. And with this uptick in medication comes a booming payday for pharmaceutical companies. But here&rsquo;s the kicker: as their profits soar, our collective health seems to be on a bit of a downward spiral.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Shady Profits