Shadow Warrior 3 Is Super Disappointing

<p>The original&nbsp;<em>Shadow Warrior&nbsp;</em>launched way back in 1997. It was a wildly racist and violent first person shooter from an era when games could get by on just having &ldquo;tude,&rdquo; and it leaned into that&nbsp;<em>hard</em>. It was also a great follow-up mechanically to the excellent&nbsp;<em>Duke Nukem 3D,</em>&nbsp;built on the same tech and adding tons of cool new stuff like voxel-based 3D objects and more complex environments.</p> <p><em>Shadow Warrior</em>&nbsp;got a reboot in 2013 from Polish studio Flying Wild Hog. It had a more tongue-in-cheek approach to the story, blending nods to the overt racism and raunchy humor of the original game with a strangely endearing heart that somehow won me over. The game was a solid 10+ hour shooter experience running on Flying Wild Hog&rsquo;s bespoke graphics engine, first developed for the excellent&nbsp;<em>Hard Reset.</em></p> <p>That first reboot was a linear shooter in a time when open world action RPGs were all the rage, so they went&nbsp;<strong>big</strong>&nbsp;for 2016&rsquo;s&nbsp;<em>Shadow Warrior 2.</em>&nbsp;It had a bigger story, many dozens of new weapons, randomly generated world and loot elements, and a vast number of quests to complete across a large sprawling world. It also added full online co-op. It was great, and it&rsquo;s one of my personal favorite video games. You can squeeze well over 20 hours out of it on a normal playthrough, and more if you do everything.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Shadow Warrior