Toxic Eye Shadow Ingredients You Should Avoid at All Costs

<p><a href="" rel="noopener">Last time</a>, I introduced you to the nasty reality of what is really in your store-bought, not organic lipstick and all it does to your body. From allergic reactions, to promoting breast cancer, you found out your lipstick is not all its cracked up to be. Today, I wanted to dive deeper into another staple in any cosmetic routine: eye shadows. Let&rsquo;s be real, eye shadows are beautiful with their shimmer and seemingly magical effect on your eyes, but most don&rsquo;t know they&rsquo;re actually made with harmful fillers, no good binders, and pigmented with dyes that are causing more harm than good. Now, many of these ingredients are going to be similar to those in the lipstick article because they use them across the board in cosmetics. But, there are a few that are unique to powders like eye shadow that are going to make you run for the hills. Ready to freak yourself out and ditch every non-organic eye shadow you&rsquo;ve ever owned? Keep reading!</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>