From Berlin with Love: 50 Shades of Grey

<p>During wintertime (late autumn and early spring too, to be exact) Berlin becomes a Grey Fest. For everyone attending we have plenty of rain in the lineup, some early dawn for starters, and clouds for days. We also gonna experience some low temperatures but not low enough for snow; also not warm enough to have actual warm weather.&nbsp;<strong>It&rsquo;s all gonna be meh and nah, you definitely should come!</strong></p> <p>Overwhelming greyness consumes otherwise colorful building facades and sometimes people&rsquo;s colorful outfits &mdash; we&rsquo;re all living in the grey, wearing it and breathing it. Eventually, our thoughts are grey and our faces too; there is nothing left to enjoy,&nbsp;<strong>it&rsquo;s better to just hibernate and wait until late May for a one, single ray of sunshine.</strong></p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Shades Grey