Sexual Violence Is Making Me Sick

<p>I knew it was coming before it happened. Sure enough, as soon as I got in the door of my studio apartment, a wave of nausea overwhelmed me. I ran to the sink as the remnants of my lunch exploded from my face.</p> <p>Welcome to the world as I know it. These days, it is a good day if I only vomit once or twice. On a bad day, like today, I lose entire meals to whatever furious storm rages in my stomach.</p> <p>Sure, there are medical explanations &mdash; some clear, some forthcoming. Migraines. Connective tissue disease. Post-concussion syndrome.</p> <p>I must say, I prefer the more esoteric explanation: a Fury has a hold of me, and she will not let me go until I have said her piece.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>