Sexual Harassment of A Young Man Changed Ancient Rome’s Banking Law

<p>Over centuries, laws on banking, in particular, money lending, evolved in the ancient Roman Republic. Mostly, the change was slow and gradual, but unusual events triggered a few major abrupt changes.</p> <p>In this post, I look at how the sexual harassment of a young man led to a complete overhaul of the&nbsp;<em>nexi</em>&nbsp;system, a pillar of the Money lending business in the ancient Roman Republic.</p> <p>The office of the tribune of the people had been created in 493 BCE as a response to the complaints of mistreatment of debtors by moneylenders. The people&rsquo;s representatives were meant to safeguard the citizens&rsquo; rights, particularly how much interest they were charged on the loans they received.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>