How to Keep Setbacks from Setting You Back

<p>Gymnastics has always been one of the things that makes me most happy in life, and when I became a mother of two, I didn&rsquo;t want that to change. So I decided I would return to an adult gymnastics class as a place to reach my fitness goals. I have, but not without my fair share of obstacles.</p> <p>The first day I went to an adult gymnastics class, the instructor pulled me aside and asked me what my goals were. I told him, mostly centered around getting back my old skills, and, try as he might, his face couldn&rsquo;t keep his face neutral. My goals were light-years from my capabilities at that point.</p> <p>But putting my body through having two kids was a setback I was determined to overcome.&nbsp;I knew I had to start where I was, not at what was once my best. And with his help, I started to make progress.</p> <p>That coach left the gym for bigger and better things two years later. On his final day, I completed the last of the goals I&rsquo;d set at my first class. My timeline to complete them was relatively slow, but I got there, and the techniques I used have helped me with myriad goals &mdash; inside and outside of the gym &mdash; since.</p> <p>I moved on to wanting a skill I&rsquo;d never had, even as a competitive gymnast: a press handstand. By early 2019, I felt&nbsp;<em>so close</em>. My incremental work on this notoriously difficult skill was paying off.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>