Navigating the Service Design Landscape in Vancouver, B.C.

<p>I&rsquo;ve found myself become a &lsquo;Go-to&rsquo; person for advice on Service Design in Vancouver.</p> <p>Here are some tips for people moving to the West Coast of Canada (specifically Vancouver), graduating, or seeking to make connections and build projects in Service Design, Customer Experience and Innovation. I offer a personal perspective:</p> <p><strong>The bad news</strong>: the reality is that there isn&rsquo;t a big currency in strategy or an appetite for radical innovation in this city. I&rsquo;ve had to travel a lot.</p> <p>Of course this is all relative to where you have come from. For me London, UK presented many more opportunities so direct comparison isn&rsquo;t fair. Folks from Toronto, L.A., San Francisco and Scandinavia &mdash; the terrain here is tougher ground to land progressive opportunities and sweet budgets. Yes this is the compromise of life in this beautiful sea, mountain, fresh air city.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>