Seriously Insane Stunts That People Didn’t Survive And I’m Very Sad About It

<p>WARNING: The following article contains links to videos with very traumatic and upsetting content, not the kind of thing you really want to watch unless you are particularly morbid.</p> <h1>Where does morbid curiosity come from anyway?</h1> <p>Why do all the cars slow down when there&rsquo;s a flaming accident they can rubberneck? What do they hope to see, bodies burning? People with their eyes yanked out of their sockets? Why?</p> <h1>Are we bad people?</h1> <p>Voyeurism is one thing. But watching people getting their necks snapped or falling from a great height in the sky and splat! That&rsquo;s beyond tasteless. Why would you want to see it? You must be a bad person. Or deeply troubled.</p> <h1>Have we lost the ability to empathize?</h1> <p>Imagine these poor victims&rsquo; families. How do they feel knowing that the video of their loved one going splat is not going viral on the internet? Pretty crappy, that&rsquo;s how. Don&rsquo;t forget, everybody you watch going splat is either someone&rsquo;s son or someone&rsquo;s daughter. Or someone&rsquo;s non-binary offspring. Or someone&rsquo;s unicorn. Have a heart, huh? Don&#39;t click on this stuff. Or if you really can&rsquo;t resist it, go ahead, click. But please, get some help.</p> <h1>Isn&rsquo;t this just filler content?</h1> <p>Maybe it is. And maybe you should just skip ahead to the splat videos. Because that&rsquo;s what you&rsquo;re after because you&rsquo;re a bad person.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Survive Stunts