The Sensory Joys of Gender Transition

<p>My experience is different from many other transgender individuals. The key phrase is &ldquo;Your Mileage May Vary&rdquo; or YMMV. It is a phrase taken from the car industry to describe how the effects of hormones vary from one person to another. Every human body is so radically different from another.</p> <p>Shifting my body from testosterone to estradiol is like finally changing the octane of gasoline. It just feels right finally and I didn&rsquo;t even know until I changed hormones how much testosterone was holding me back. In fact, much of my gender dysphoria was caused by the wrong hormones surging through my body. Of course the rest of my dysphoria was pretty much the fault of a gender ignorant, misogynistic and bigoted society but I digress.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Sensory Joys