Introduction To My Art Practice and Sensory Artwork Guides: Spawning New Artworks With You

<p>I am a visual artist who explores the intricate relationship between my&nbsp;<strong>sensory environment</strong>&nbsp;and&nbsp;<strong>neurodistinctions</strong>, delving into the sensations that arise within my body as a result.</p> <p>Through my artistic practice, I spawn hybrid creations that traverse the realms of&nbsp;<strong>Web3&nbsp;</strong>and&nbsp;<strong>social media</strong>, engaging with digital platforms to reach a wider audience. Continuously in search of a&nbsp;<strong>secure cocoon</strong>&nbsp;in which to exist.</p> <p>I employ the creation of&nbsp;<strong>sensory</strong>&nbsp;and&nbsp;<strong>process art</strong>&nbsp;as my unique methodology. As a visual artist, I utilize digital media and video installations to further explore and express my artistic vision.</p> <p><img alt="A photo against a white background. On the photo there are black grids with abstract greyscale shapes inside. The borders of the photo are blurred." src="*9nqTLgJOHF0M7pZZ9uEYCA.png" style="height:398px; width:700px" /></p> <p>Hypnotic Art #1, Samantha E. Harvey [SEH], Digital Media, 2023</p> <h1>Art Projects</h1> <p>One of my current hybrid &lsquo;spawns&rsquo; is the project&nbsp;<em>My Heart is Glitching.</em></p> <p>Here I express my understanding of the&nbsp;<strong>physical sensations</strong>&nbsp;that arise through my body as a result of my sensory environment. Trying to speak to these in a way of&nbsp;<strong>educating</strong>&nbsp;and&nbsp;<strong>calming myself</strong>&nbsp;as to what is happening.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>