What to Do and What Not to Do During a Seizure
<p>Witnessing a seizure can be a very stressful experience, but knowing what to do and what to avoid can make a significant difference in helping the person and preventing further injury.</p>
<h2><strong>What Not to Do</strong></h2>
<p><strong>Do not restrain the person:</strong> Their movements are involuntary, and restraining them can actually cause more harm than good. Instead, allow their body to move freely within a safe space.</p>
<p><strong>Do not put anything in their mouth:</strong> This is a critical precaution as they cannot swallow and choking is a real danger. Avoid placing objects like spoons or fingers between their teeth as well.</p>
<p><a href="https://medium.com/@loveramesh111/what-to-do-and-what-not-to-do-during-a-seizure-e00b90350c19"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>