Hamas Has Won This War. Their Secret Weapon? Jesus.

<p>I could not believe what I was hearing. No fact-checking went into a sermon that was delivered on one of the most important days of their year. Surely a Christian clergy person knows that Jesus was a&nbsp;<strong>Jew</strong>&nbsp;born in&nbsp;<strong>Judea</strong>. There were no Palestinians* during the time of Jesus.&nbsp;<em>Palestine</em>&nbsp;is not mentioned once in the New Testament because the land was not called that until around 130 CE after the Romans expelled the Jews from the territory.&nbsp;<strong><em>The specific purpose for this renaming was to disavow the Jews of their connection to the land</em></strong>. So I would argue that calling Jesus a Palestinian is not only an insult to Jews, but also a slap in the face to Jesus, his family, and his disciples &mdash; all of whom were from Judea. If he (a Jewish baby) were born today, it would be fair to assume that he would be a target of Hamas, not the IDF.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/the-judean-peoples-front/hamas-has-won-this-war-their-secret-weapon-jesus-746797d71890"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Secret Weapon