the secret ingredient to telling a good story

<p>I have this friend who considers himself a professional in his field. When he encounters other professionals acting unprofessionally, he reacts with some reserved disgust, as well he should. I&rsquo;m like that too. Everyone I care to know is like that, because it&rsquo;s a sign of pride; frustration at a peer acting carelessly, with no respect for the art you both work in, is a sign you Give A Shit.</p> <p>One of the things I Give A Shit about the most is telling stories&nbsp;<em>effectively,&nbsp;</em>and it&rsquo;s frustrating to see so many people fail to do so. I&rsquo;ve talked about it before, but for me, a lot of this comes down to the simple fact that&nbsp;<em>everyone</em>&nbsp;thinks they can tell a story.</p> <p>The truth is that everyone&nbsp;<em>can&nbsp;</em>tell a story, much like anyone&nbsp;<em>can</em>&nbsp;become a musician or a doctor or whatever else they can imagine. There&rsquo;s no elitism here; sure, certain elements of storytelling might come more naturally to someone for various reasons, but there&rsquo;s no magic bloodline, no secret genetics that will make you a good storyteller. All&nbsp;<em>you&rsquo;ve&nbsp;</em>got to do is work at it. Reserve the disgust for the lazy and unwilling, for the people who&rsquo;ve got no respect for the art form. Kindness is the only thing you should extend to the beginners.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>