<h1><strong>LOOK DEEPER</strong></h1> <p>See past the outside &ldquo;stuff&rdquo; and stare deeply into the part of each soul to the place that really matters!</p> <p>We go about our days, all too often, not seeing deeply. We miss the intimate connection with both humans and animals. In our busy lives, we pass by a treasure that money can never buy.</p> <p>We get so tripped up in &ldquo;appearances&rdquo;, that we no longer see the heart. We fall prey to strong emotions and fail to see where they came from. Anger is, too often, just love disappointed and yet we never bother to get past the anger to see that.</p> <p>We work and work and feel too tired to go on. We are thirsty but can&rsquo;t take time to take that drink from the well right in front of us.</p> <p>Yet, life has an expiration date, but love has eternity.</p> <p>So today, take a moment. Take a breath. Love yourself and let that expand outward.</p> <p>Often, &ldquo;looking deeper&rdquo; finds that over-flowing well of irrepressible, renewable, LOVE!</p> <p><a href="">Visit Now</a></p>