The Implications of Opposites: Season of Migration to the North

<p>The narrator wants to take revenge on his own self for being passive, while Mustafa, being already in a relationship with a British woman when he wrote his notes, felt like he was in the process of getting revenge (or perhaps already got revenge) on the colonizers for their crimes in Sudan. This shows two differing views of the Sudanese perspective on the colonizers: the first, younger and less mature view is represented by the young Mustafa Sa&rsquo;eed, who wants to take revenge on the British through his relationships with British women. The second view is that of the older narrator, who sees the fault in his own people&rsquo;s culture and his own actions that allowed injustice to happen. One is from love, the other is from hatred. Perhaps Salih&rsquo;s message is that there should be a balance between the two.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>