Sea Lions in Attack Mode and then Chilling (Coal Harbor, Vancouver)

<p>Seeing California and Stellar Sea Lions chilling and hunting in the waters so close to Vancouver downtown is a rare sight. Seeing them in the inner Coal Harbor is even rarer. The Sea Lions have been at this location this season for over two weeks. Folks have also spotted Orcas off Stanley Park&rsquo;s First &amp; Second Beach, a short distance west from this site. This increased activity could be attributed to the heavy and unusual run of their food source, sardines.</p> <p><img alt="" src="*QLJ7xNA1LIwxi76h1z6xiw.png" style="height:341px; width:700px" /></p> <p>One bystander suggested it may be due to the years of COVID-19 in which pollution of the waterways probably dropped, which may have allowed this resurgence of marine-based lifeforms. As you watch this video, look out for a cast of other creatures from the raucous chorus of squabbling and diving seagulls and cormorants, Stellar seals, and others, and the accompanying barking of the Sea Lions carries far. Location: Coal Harbor, Vancouver, BC.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Sea Lions