Why I got interested in SDGs

<p>The English newspaper, &ldquo;Mail Online&rdquo; broadcasted this terrible disaster by nuclear water from Fukushima. But This is a completely incorrect report, says Hokkaido Newspaper&rsquo;s journalists. Especially English written medium tie dead sardines with Fukushima. I don&rsquo;t imagine what they think, but at least, the accident does not effect the ecosystem. Basically, it was not the first time that so many sardines were tossed up onto the beach. In Japan, the same things happened 5 times during this 10 years, excluding this Hokkaido&rsquo;s phenomenon. More, the United States and Chile have encountered the same incidents.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@yuin28/why-i-got-interested-in-sdgs-ebdac55e99ee"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: SDGs