Ephemeral Scriptures

<p>In the scriptures of discord, a paradox unfolds,<br /> Nihilistic verses, where meaning erodes.<br /> Eastern brushstrokes on the canvas of time,<br /> Chaos and order in a dance sublime.</p> <p>The pages turn, revealing contradiction&rsquo;s lore,<br /> Absurdity proclaimed, sense overturned evermore.<br /> What seems wise revealed as nonsense at the core,<br /> Upended truths show all we knew&rsquo;s unsure.</p> <p>Words decay into incoherent babble,<br /> Meaning slips through fingers, no truth enable.<br /> Texts deconstruct, certainty reduced to rubble,<br /> On firm foundations, razed to unstable.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@thebulletproofpoet/ephemeral-scriptures-2bd0ba7f7576"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Scriptures