How to force a window thats off-screen to show on-screen on MacOS

<p>I had a weird issue where I could see a window when using the &lsquo;desktop window viewer&rsquo; on the mac but when I clicked on the window it disappeared off the screen! Minimising all my windows didn&rsquo;t help me locate it.</p> <p>This occurred after using the fullscreen option on a secondary monitor, then disconnecting from the monitor and then later reconnecting to the monitor.</p> <p>The change between monitors seemed to push the window outside the boundary of the screen.</p> <p>Luckily, there is a super quick fix to force the window back onto the screen.</p> <h1>Force window back on-screen</h1> <p>Using one of the follow methods show all the windows on your mac:</p> <p><strong>Keyboard</strong>:&nbsp;<code>Control</code>&nbsp;+&nbsp;<code>Down arrow</code><br /> <strong>Mouse</strong>: Two finger double tap<br /> <strong>Track pad</strong>: 3-finger swipe up</p> <p>This will show all your windows like so:</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: screen macOS