Is This the Final Nail in the Current SCOTUS’ Coffin?

<p>n the beginning, Thomas, Alito, and their defenders tried to tell us that it was, basically, a nothingburger. &ldquo;Not enough cash value to report&rdquo;, they tried to say. And, within what we knew then, they had a point, with there being very little regarding ethical standards the Court is forced to follow.</p> <p>And yet, even then, a few of us tried to interject, &ldquo;But it isn&rsquo;t the&nbsp;<strong><em>individual</em></strong>&nbsp;amounts &mdash; it&rsquo;s the&nbsp;<strong><em>accumulation</em></strong>!&rdquo; But, as usual, those of us trying to be realistic got ignored.</p> <p>But as time went on, the numbers and the values of those unreported junkets accumulated until eventually we all realized that yes, it&nbsp;<strong><em>was</em></strong>&nbsp;the accumulated amounts that make your jaw drop. But then, other news got in the way, the news cycles moved on, and I&rsquo;m sure, Thomas and his &ldquo;friends&rdquo; heaved a sigh of (temporary, hopefully) relief.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: SCOTUS Coffin