The tale of the Scottish king and the hermit who saved his life

<p>There&rsquo;s a 900-year-old story about a king of Scotland and the lonely hermit who saved his life. Surviving only as scraps of tales and long-forgotten fables, the tale dates from the early days of Catholicism&rsquo;s adoption by this scattered population &mdash; though the hermit in question lived by a very different Christianity.</p> <p>The legend, which seems widespread enough to have some grounding in reality, goes like this.</p> <h2>The year was 1123&hellip;</h2> <p>&hellip; and King Alexander was afloat in a small fishing boat. His four crewmen were navigating the Firth of Forth, a wide estuary to the north of what we now call Edinburgh, when the weather took a turn for the worse. The waves grew into a frenzy, the wooden hull was overturned and the crew was lost to the deep.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Scottish King