An Dà Shealladh: A Brief Look at the Second Sight in Scottish Folklore

<p>Scottish highlanders have held a very strong belief that some people had the gift of &lsquo;Second Sight&rsquo;. The Gaelic name for this is&nbsp;<em>an</em>&nbsp;<em>da shealladh</em>, which translates as &lsquo;<em>Two Sights&rsquo;</em>, in reference to regular sight, and that of the spirit world. It may be the remains of the magic of Druids, as it is more present in Celts than any other group of people (according to MacDougall&rsquo;s&nbsp;<em>Witchcraft and Second Sight in the Scottish Highlands</em>). At one point, second sight was common throughout all of Scotland. But as time went on, it became much more prevalent in the highlands. Lowlanders weren&rsquo;t as interested in such things. A great deal of the Lowlanders thought that they were an overly superstitious lot.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>