My Favorite Underrated Martin Scorsese Film: Silence

<p>I love Mafia films (I firmly believe that&nbsp;<em>The Godfather</em>&nbsp;and&nbsp;<em>The Godfather Part II</em>&nbsp;are the two best films ever made), and as someone who loves Mafia films I obviously love Martin Scorsese. The trifecta of&nbsp;<em>Goodfellas</em>,&nbsp;<em>Casino</em>, and&nbsp;<em>The Irishman</em>&nbsp;solidified his place in the Italian Mob film Pantheon, and when you throw in&nbsp;<em>The Departed</em>&nbsp;(which was the Irish Mob), it&rsquo;s no wonder that gangster movies immediately come to mind when you think of one of the greatest directors of all time.</p> <p>Those four films (and many, many others of his) are gripping, entertaining, and immensely quotable. As superb as they are, however, none of them are films that will keep you awake at night wrestling with essentially unanswerable moral and theological questions. Henry Hill may have wanted to be a gangster all his life, but we all know he should have chosen a different path.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Scorsese Film