Rhythm Quest Devlog 57 — Level Editor, Scoring Rework
<p>I’ve been kinda radio-silent over the past month. The first part of that was due to simply not getting that much done, but in the latter half of the month I had a better (and more exciting) reason for foregoing updates: I’ve been hard at work building out the initial skeleton of the <strong>Rhythm Quest Level Editor!</strong></p>
<h1>Changing My Mind on the Level Editor</h1>
<p>Those of you who have been following along for a while will probably know that I’ve always had plans to build out a Level Editor for Rhythm Quest, but that <strong>I had initially pegged it as a post-release feature — something that I’d build after the release of the initial game</strong>. I wanted to make sure that I focused my efforts on bringing the main game to a finished state, even if it meant sacrificing some extra features that couldn’t make the cut. Building a level editor is no small task and I wasn’t even sure exactly how I would be able to do it. Would it be an entirely separate application? What would the interface look like? Would I have to refactor the entire level generation process again? What formats would levels be saved in? How would I load in external music files? How should I handle copyright disclaimers?</p>
<p><a href="https://ddrkirbyisq.medium.com/rhythm-quest-devlog-57-level-editor-scoring-rework-2c09718006ca"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>