“Tales of a Scorched Coffee Pot” — E11

<p>In the wake of this Pierre fiasco, Corey is attempting to redirect his story. Now he&rsquo;s stating it wasn&rsquo;t that he ever thought Edgar was a slacker or a joke or anything like that, but rather the point of this whole exercise was to&nbsp;<em>spread the knowledge around.&nbsp;</em>That&rsquo;s why he thought it would be a good idea to promote Pierre to this role, that was the entire reason.</p> <p>&ldquo;What if someone ran you over with their car tomorrow? I mean, think about that,&rdquo; Corey says to Edgar, with curiously implied menace, &ldquo;we need a backup in place.&rdquo;</p> <p>Of course, there&rsquo;s also a defensiveness here, an inability to admit he was ever wrong. A guy like Corey is apt to play the&nbsp;<em>know-it-all&nbsp;</em>card, too, and he does, as in hinting around that Edgar&rsquo;s a smug know-it-all for believing that he was doing a great job and that Pierre would be a disaster. This is all very predictable, from a management figure in this spot. Maybe attempting to pass it off with a joke, chortling, &ldquo;hoo hoo hoo, boy, it must be nice to have all the answers! The rest of us are just trying to muddle along the best we can!&rdquo;</p> <p>To which, Edgar usually bites his tongue, though he&nbsp;<em>wants&nbsp;</em>to reply, &ldquo;well, no,&nbsp;<em>one</em>&nbsp;of us was acting like a know-it-all in this situation, and it wasn&rsquo;t me.&rdquo;</p> <p>He feels just the same as everyone else, basically. That he knows a lot about just a few specific areas, but that he does very well in those few specific areas. He believes management recognizes that he&rsquo;s the go-to person in these very few specific areas. That the last time a similar situation occurred, and they pressed forward without even consulting him, that they realized it was a mistake, and he should have been involved at the outset of that process. And yet the next time this occurs, here you have a guy like Corey, barging ahead on his own again as though he has all the answers. Because the sequence of events typically runs like this, which it had with the Pierre hiring:</p> <p><a href="https://jasonmcgatheywriter.medium.com/tales-of-a-scorched-coffee-pot-e11-6ffb63d629c0"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>