Scientists combine AI with cerebral organoids (minibrains) for enhanced computing power

<p>In a groundbreaking fusion of technology and biology, scientists have merged artificial intelligence (AI) with cerebral organoids, commonly referred to as &ldquo;minibrains,&rdquo; to revolutionize computing capabilities. This innovative approach harnesses the potential of these miniature brain models, cultivated from various brain tissues in a lab setting, to amplify AI&rsquo;s computational prowess.</p> <p>Minibrains, which have been evolving since 2013, have now found a unique application in the realm of AI enhancement. This pioneering research incorporates conventional computing hardware to feed electrical data into the organoid and subsequently interpret its activity, effectively positioning the organoid as an intermediary layer within the computing process.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>