Why Scientists Must Engage in Politics.

<p>I believe in this day and age science is under threat from the forces of ignorance. It is the duty of scientists to use our knowledge in civic participation. Science is an impact profession, especially physics. Public health is likely the most important. One need look no further than the rise of anti-vaxxers during the 2020 Coronavirus pandemic to see that there is an urgent need for scientists to engage in civic participation.</p> <p>Going deeper there would appear to be a serious epistemic distinction between conservatives, (included in this set would be neoliberals, Liberals who would fall into the definition of mainstream conservatism and Fascists which the modern republican party fits into by definition.) and Leftists. Leftists look at the world and examine the evidence and form conclusions based on that, conservatives go with their &ldquo;gut&rdquo; and disregard all pieces of evidence which disagree with their pre-existing beliefs. All of conservatism is based on upholding pre-existing ideology and not modifying it for any reason.</p> <p><a href="https://joefinberg.medium.com/why-scientists-must-engage-in-politics-97b8ae23ecb7"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Scientists