Stop scheduling meetings without the 3Hs and 5Ps

<p>Poorly planned and facilitated meetings are one of the biggest annoyances I&rsquo;ve had to deal with in my career (second only to&nbsp;<em>indecisiveness</em>). A lot has changed in terms of technology but the amount of &ldquo;bad&rdquo; meetings I&rsquo;ve had to go through has stayed relatively the same. This frustrating fact has made me want to share what I&rsquo;ve learnt leading engineering teams in the past four years in a simple blueprint we can all (strive to) use to plan better meetings.</p> <p>I&rsquo;ll start by summarising the real cost of bad meetings, then share how to decrease the number of suboptimal meetings we attend, both as participants and coordinators.</p> <h1>The cost of bad meetings</h1> <p>Most of us can spot the telltale signs of a bad meeting from miles away. We&rsquo;ve all sat in at least one &ldquo;last-minute&rdquo; meeting that clearly lacked purpose and preparation and was marred with confusion about participants&rsquo; roles, unclear next steps and a lack of decisive follow-through. The result: huge frustrations for everyone involved.</p> <p>Given that the amount of meetings has more than doubled in the last half a century (and it&rsquo;s still increasing), this potentially wasted time leaves us no choice but to work past our end of the day or even during the weekends to catch up on &ldquo;productive work&rdquo;. The result is a snowball of issues including burnout, cynicism and disengagement, which translate into enormously expensive problems for employers.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>